Sunday, February 06, 2005

On Over - Blogging

"Of making many posts there is no end, and much blogging is a weariness of the flesh" -Ecclesiastes 12:12 LCV (Latest Contemprary Version).



Garth said...

I seem to be getting less time to blog but enough time to read just a few.

Lionfish said...

Garth, I have found blogging and writing a carthartic activity. But perhaps what should be used as a Quadrant 1 activity (Not-Urgent, Important)has become perhaps maybe a little out of balance and is largely a Quadrant 4 (Urgent, Not Important) activity.

I'm going to schedule some time only going post a couple times per week...fot the sake of sanity!!!

Its funny how sometimes we let even good things get just a little out of balance! :-)

IMO said...

Thinking--VERY good! Thanks for your post. I am not Luthern, but I too had very early beginnings (when I was small) in the Luthern church and Martin Luther did not just make change for them, but for us all.

Garth said...

Absolutely mate. We can't let so called 'good things' crowd out the important things.

Kel said...

I love your version of Ecclesiastes 12:12.
Blogging is addictive, surfing the links and meeting new people the world over, and before you know there went a couple of hours!
We all need reminders - and sometimes not from our spouse - that we need to keep it in balance.