Thursday, March 03, 2005


I was not going to blog tonight, but wanted to log a weird but vivid dream that I had last night.

I was walking through the (a) city, it was really busy. Everyone was in a hurry. I walked alongside a man, in a brown (suede?) jacket who was staring at his left hand in fear and disbelief.

His hand was covered in large sores. I felt promoted to ask the man whether I should pray for him. I felt embarrassed and scared, and hesitated for a second, but did so as I felt that I would regret it and lose the opportunity.

The man agreed and actually looked appreciative. So I prayed, (in Jesus name) and as we both watched the sores dissolved (morphed away) and his hand was cured. I remembered feeling amazed and shocked – as I have never seen a ‘miracle’…and actually did not believe myself anything would happen.

The man was obviously was excited and began jumping around and making a scene, to my shame I felt a little embarrassed, and was thanking me. I had to make a point to tell him that it was not me, but it was "Jesus who cured him" and we then parted company.

I am in clear mind, I am not spiritual, and I rarely pray in public. I’ve been wondering what it could mean.

The only thing that comes to me is the line "that we exist to give Glory to God" (from a book I am part way through called "its not about me").


The Faith Expedition said...

Acts 2:17
" ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

I'm not what you call a 'super spiritual person' either but I do think that God speaks to us in our dreams. There have been many times in my current struggle that I have had dreams where people have shown me extraordinary love and I have received encouraging words from strangers. I really believe God was trying to encourage me in a tangible way. When I awoke, the feeling of love and well-being stayed with me throughout the day. I could never be so bold as to 'interpret' your dream. However, I do believe that if it is a vision or word from God, that if you seek an answer, He will surely give it to you. Your heart will know exactly what it means.

Kel said...

Thanks for sharing your dream Lionfish.
Dreams are full of symbolism and when they are vivid, I believe they hold important messages.
One way of helping to clarify the symbolism is to journal your dream like you have here in written form. Another way is to draw the key images, symbols or emotions of the dream as soon after the dream as possible.
By having visual keys in front of you when you dialogue with God on what message the dream holds - you should find the answer comes easier.

Accidental Academic said...

what do you mean "...i am not spiritual...". From being a regular reader of your blog of would say you are...

IMO said...

Lionfish, not spiritual? Wow! What a cool dream! I think that God is trying to show you something. I would say that you are afraid of doing something that he is telling you to do and he is saying: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.

The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.' Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord. You will hear a voice say, "This is the way; turn around and walk here."
(Prov 3:5-6, Ps. 62:8, Ps. 32:8-10 NLT) I posted that this morning on my blog. Sometimes God speaks to us through others. I am not God, but I that is what I feel him telling me. When we follow him, he can do miracles through us. Only you really know. If this doesn't clear things up, ask the Lord, he'll show you.