Thursday, May 26, 2005


I saw this written on a cafe chalkboard at the 'Wild-fig' this morning...

"Don't be afraid of trying something new.
Remeber the Ark was built by a lone amateur,
And the Titanic by a group of professionals".

Upbeat huh!


The Faith Expedition said...

That's a great quote Lion! :) Thanks for your words on my blog. You've been a real 'mate'! (Hey, that was pretty 'aussie' for a Canadian, eh?)

Lionfish said...

Thanks Becky...mate is a term of endearment for ones friends. Increasingly used for females, though traditionally used to refer to ones hairy male friends and aquaintances :-)

IMO said...

You guys/girls are funny! That was a funny quote too--but actually God built the Ark and if Noah had done it without God, the Ark would've probably been worse than the Titanic because Noah had never seen rain and didn't know what a flood was :)