Friday, June 03, 2005

Bridges of Trust

Trust: "Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing".

I was in a café recently and picked up the latest Readers Digest. An article caught my eye – “Australia’s 100 Most Trusted”. . Predictably, amongst those that Aussie’s trust the most are Celebrities and Sports Stars.

I scanned the list, looking for religious leaders and politicians out of interest.

The highest ranking religious leader AND (ex-)politician, quite low down on the list was at number 30. Rev. Tim Costello, who is the current World Vision leader. Interestingly, this man relies on wealth and philanthropy to run his organisation, but is also a vocal opponent to prosperity theology - yet he is still successful in many arena's and in the eyes of sceualr society. It seems that good works do count.

It is interesting to note how people in a secular society view and trust Christians - not too many in the list. My Grandfather, a non-Christian man, though of impeccable integrity was quite cynical towards the Christian Church in general. Though he has a special place for the Salvation Army because of their service efforts in New Guinea during the war.

I’m thinking that it’s the visible service in action that builds the bridge of trust. Interestngly, Ambulance officers top the list of "Austalia's 30 Most Trusted Professions" (Scroll Down). Others near the top include Teachers nurses and Police Officers. Religious leaders come in at 16 and politicians...well they are predictably last!

Well I guess, those scum bag IT Project Mangers do not even rank a mention!

1 comment:

The Faith Expedition said...

A very interesting read. A sad commentary on societies view of Christian Leaders that Chiropractors are more trusted than Ministers.