Friday, December 02, 2005

Place Holders

Things I am grateful for with regard to my faith:

My aunt who gave me my first Bible.
Those who fought and lost their lives to get the scriptures into the hands of the lay man.
A little old Catholic scripture teacher that came to our school and had nicotine stained fingers. That showed me that Christians did not have to be perfect.
A Lutheran Pastors who spent time of a Sunday afternoon showing us how to read and interpret the Bible correctly - thank God.
The Catechism and the Lords Prayer.
My Prayer book - for when I'm stumped and lost for words.
Confirmation classes - even though I made a mockery of them at the time.
The Cross.
Stained Glass. Sometimes.
Spirit words that just seem to talk to my heart.


Kel said...

stained glass - sometimes

what an interesting statement

Lionfish said...

As you once made me think - there are two different sides to a stained glass window.

we have to take the time to look at things from both sides.

Ab Truth said...

Thank God for those who taught me to question everything and who taught me the value of logic reason critical thinking and that exegesis and hermenutics were more than just big words