Tuesday, April 19, 2005


It is so strange that at the end of a day when your kids are awake - you yearn for them to go to bed. Then when they are fast asleep - you miss them.


The Faith Expedition said...

Oh man...can I relate to that paradox. It is especially tugging on the old heart-strings when you slip into their rooms and look down on those angelic sleeping faces! All the mischevious events of the day disappear and all you feel is tremendous love and gratitude that you have them in your life!

IMO said...

They are exhausting hugh? I wish that I could tap into their energy! I absolutely LOVE to play with them, hold them, tickle them..., but I also love holding them and watching them sleep like little angels, as well as get some rest so we can do it all over again. It's so funny that I cannot wait to get my daughter to sleep so I can do something, but then when she falls asleep, I end up holding her for an hour or so. So cute! You sound like a great dad!