Monday, April 11, 2005

Reflection on the Cross from the Crescent

I have been researching and thinking about Catholicism in this time after the passing of the Pope, so please bear with me as I reflect on this theme over the next week or so.

I found this article rather interesting on the Muslim Hopes for New Pope regarding Catholic (Christian) and Muslim relations.

>"... dialogue (is) better than ignoring each other...I think it is true that we are not going to have a series of negotiations which bring us to a common faith... but at the same time my experience also shows me strongly that we can actually come to respect one another as believers and move somewhat closer to understanding each other"
-Father Dan Madigan Head of the institute for religions and culture at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University and an expert on Islam.

My thoughts?

Interfaith Dialogue is so important - especially if we profess our faith as the "Big T" - 'Truth' then we should never be afraid of discussion.

Though if our words though can't compel people to Christ we should win people to Christ through the lives that we live...though for me this is much easier said then done.

1 comment:

IMO said...

Yes! If we know the truth, we should not fear religions like we do. We should welcome our Muslim neighbors, Mormons, Jews, Budists etc! Christ showed the example by treating them all equally. I believe that the Pope followed the example of Christ. How can we show them the love of Christ if we do not build relationships with them? We cannot have relationships with them if we allienate them by forcing them to conform to our traditions etc. that conflict with their teachings. In order to minister to them, we need to first build relationships, show them our true selves and then contextualize: connecting and weaving in their traditions into our presentations of Christ.