Saturday, June 04, 2005


Funny thing. I was once told that I take my faith ‘too seriously’. By a Minister. I’m wondering if that is possible? Without faith, what have we got left?...A sense of humour?

Well then, maybe losing Faith is not such a bad thing after all. Seriously.


The Faith Expedition said...

What a ridiculous comment that Pastor made to you. Is there anything, anything in the universe more serious than our faith??? If a few more christians took their faith more seriously the world would be a better place (and maybe Ministers would have appeared higher on the 'most trusted' poll!)

Lionfish said...

Becky, I can't see the sense in it...but I guess we all say some things that don't make sense from time to time. Maybe he meant that I had to be less intense or something.

Lighten up Lionfish!!!

Tom said...

hrmm I'm always worried about whether others see my faith as 'blind faith'

but I'm also reminded that people will see us as foolish ... because what we have is not of this world, and it can cannot be comprehended with the human mind

IMO said...

I'm wondering why that Pastor would say something like that? Either he is not called of God or he did not mean what he said quite that way. I can mis-communicate things sometimes too. Just a thought, but maybe it's a difference in personality--he may have just meant, lighten up. I tell people that sometimes because we can take scripture so litterally that we become leagalistic or we beat ourselves up about something and that is not God, it is the devil. Just my observation, you have a wonderfully-humble heart for God and it shows--that is a good thing!

Lionfish said...

Theresa...knowing this pastors heart - he probably meant that I need not be so intense.

I'm a brooder. SOmetimes my head hurts thinking about things.