Friday, March 24, 2006

Absolute Truth

"Nero vs Paul and the truth

In A.D. 64, a fire broke out in Rome. It raged for six days and seven nights, totally destroying a great part of the city. Nero falsely charged the Christians for the blaze and punished them with, in Tacitus’ words, “the most exquisite tortures,” including being nailed to crosses and set ablaze to serve as torch-lights for Nero’s gardens.

This was the man who, that same year, held the Apostle Paul captive in chains in one of his dungeons.

I’ve seen pictures of this dungeon, a cistern hewn out of solid rock. A trap door in the ceiling was the only way in or out. A small rock ledge next to one wall just above ground level was the only break in the even hardness of the stone floor. It was the one place a doomed prisoner, lying on the cold stone, could prop himself up and write."

Read the rest here:

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

On Bitterness

The Process of Overcoming Bitterness (Ryan, Intervarsity Press) is:

1) Face the Hurt
2) Be honest about Feeling Anger
3) Grieving
4) Let Go
5) Choose Growth
6) Find Purpose

Thursday, March 16, 2006


"Exegetically and thus dogmatically and ethically the New Testament is against tithing as a regulation in the new covenant. Desire for more money also for more money in the church and for the church must not blind our eyes to the ways employed for getting more money? Jesus does not want to be misunderstood".
Lenski, R. C. H., The Interpretation of St. Matthew’s Gospel (p.907-909):