Monday, February 20, 2006

Change and Seasons

We are nearing the end of Summer. It really has not been that Hot.

I have made a decision to defer my studies this semester, that means I won’t complete my Masters until next year.

A break will be good as a couple of great opportunities have landed on my lap that requires my focus.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Dive Blog 2

Photo Credit: KRendel

Dived again Saturday morning. "South Park" which is 3Km from shore on the Marmion Marine Park.

Despite the swell it was 10m visibility at 16M. Highlights: Schools of Bullseye, Caves & Swimthroughs...and the guy in the expensive camoflauge wetsuit - so that the Sharks won't spot him...but wearing a flourescent orange BC (jacket). D'Oh.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dive Blog

Ten metre visiblity (better than photo shows). Three mile reef. Metre Long Dusty Morwongidencent (sp?). Western Blue Devilfish. Plenty of Crayfish. Caves. Low swell. Little drift. Little breeze. Buddy - Peter the Cop.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Present Clarity II

Yesterday i posted on the need to be more congniscient and appreciative of the present momment.

Last night, I spent most of the night with my 21 month old in PMH (Children's Hospital) - Yes, he is fine.

A pin-prick rash around his neck coupled with off-colour behaviour had us and the doctors thinking of the worst.

Amidst all the goings on in the emergency room, my son falling asleep on my chest repeated 'dadda - joel, dadda -joel' as if he was consiciously aware of the momment as shared only by the two of us.

A lesson on priorities and the importance of the present momment from the mouth of a babe.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Present Clarity

As someone who enjoys tea, especailly when poured from a pot - and I often wonder why sometimes a cup of tea tastes better than others.

I'm not going Zen, but I thought that there is some truth in this:

"The Vietnamese Buddhist monk and philosopher, Thich Nhat Hanh, writes about enjoying a good cup of tea. You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea.
Only in the awareness of the present can your hands feel the pleasant warmth of the cup. Only in the present can you savor the aroma, taste the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy. If you are ruminating about the past or worrying about the future, you will completely miss the experience of enjoying the cup of tea.

You will look down at the cup, and the tea will be gone.

Life is like that. If you are not fully present, you will look around and it will be gone. You will have missed the feel, the aroma, the delicacy and beauty of life. It will seem to be speeding past you. The past is finished. Learn from it and let it go. The future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it. Worrying is worthless. When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment. Then you will begin to experience joy in life".

- Brian Weiss, MD. From his book "Only Love is Real"

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Beyond Now

“If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed [and] if we are not willing [to change], we will disappear from the face of the globe, to be replaced by the insect.”
Jacques Cousteau