Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Above Reproach

"Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil". - 1 Tim 3:6-8

Last week, I read a surprisingly contemptuous article in a reputable business magazine on the growing influence of the Pentecostal/Contemporary Church movement within Australia.

As many of my family, colleagues and friends (some in traditional churches) read this magazine, I have taken the time to reflect on its contents so that I may articulate my thoughts with a greater degree of clarity.

The article correctly asserted that shrewd marketing and networking practices are being applied by these Churches to optimise their reach and influence. It also voiced concerns over the implications of ‘prosperity theology’. Unfortunately, the article leaves the uninformed reader with a tainted bias as it did not appear to give the Leaders of these Churches the right of reply.

In the main, the growing influence of the Contemporary Church has to be a good thing. Increasingly, people are being taught in a relevant way important traditional scriptural values and life skills largely being abandoned by secular society.

Of course, a more ‘successful life’ will be a by-product of people adopting and learning life skills as taught by these Churches. For example it follows that if someone adopts a value of industriousness (or 'work ethic') then they will 'prosper' or their efforts will 'Be Blessed'. As my secular friends sometimes say "It seems the harder I work the luckier (more blessed) I get".

In addition, one of the more wonderful aspects of these Churches is that they cut-across demographic, social and cultural boundaries to include a wider variety of people in their community. Increasingly, they are also moving into Mercy Ministry activities such as orphanges - a fact also not covered in the article.

Though, from where I stand on the fringe of a large contemporary Church, I feel the article has also highlighted some areas that may warrant attention by these Churches to ensure that these organisations and their people appear to, and do in fact remain ‘above reproach’.

These may include adherence to an external code of conduct to regulate fund raising strategies, clearer delineation of business and religious activities as well as an overhaul of Governance structures which, amongst other things, will include measures to provide assurance that these organisations will not become ‘inherited institutions’. (I once was told by a Pentecostal minister that their Church located in Scarborough was not even an incorporated body).

Most importantly, the focus of the Church should always remain true to its mandate to disseminate the message of freedom and redemption that is the Gospel. Possibly, there is a need for greater emphasis on the Truth that ‘Success’ and 'a position of respect in society' may well not be the outcome of choosing to follow Christ, as clearly taught in the sciptures and stressed by the Traditional churches.

The current situation, I believe, trust and pray is not a question of integrity (or lack thereof), but rather a fact that this growing Church movement is still in an early phase of maturity in its life cycle ― relative to traditional Churches, Charities, NGO’s and other mutual organisations.

I firmly believe that both the growing Contemporary/Pentecostal Church movement and the declining Traditional Church both have a lot to learn from one another.


**These comments are my current personal thoughts and views only and not necessarily a reflection of any people I associate with or any Church that I attend.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Bay of Pigs

I have been reading some case studies on Leadership. And for the second time in a few weeks have come across references to the Bay of Pigs Fiasco.

Thomsett writes:

"Interestingly, many people in the broader organisation also deny the reality of the (issue), and in the case of the Bay of Pigs phenomenan, noone says anything as noone else is saying anything...we observed this pattern of failure(Groupthink)in everyone of the 20 Projects we reviewed"

These people were JFK's team. Its always intriguing to study how the Best and the Brightest operate in times of pressure and opposition.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Project Pathology

Rob Th omsett is a Project Management guru, whose journal articles I am presently reviewing to write a paper about 'Project Failure' writes of an unhygienic Project environment:

“an unhealthy bunker type mentality begins to emerge with the team seeing themselves as heroes and heroines struggling against great odds and any team members who express doubt about the project are treated as outcasts or negative people. It is important to note that the Project is close to failure by this stage”.

I’ve been in such a Project which ended up failing, despite being led by an Harvard MBA from an expensive external consulting firm.

Healthy and honest communication to interested stakeholders, facing reality and constructively dealing with the issues and criticism ‘head-on’, and making key and sometimes painful structural changes is the only way to work through to a successful outcome.

The problem is, that when you are part of a hard working Team, moving in the one direction, and used to working a particular way over a period of time - it sometimes takes unwelcome criticism from unlikely sources to bring threats and weaknesses to our attention.


Discretion: n 1: freedom to act or judge on one's own 2: knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress; "the servants showed great tact and discretion" [syn: discreetness, circumspection, prudence] 3: refined taste; tact [syn: delicacy] 4: the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies [syn: free will] 5: the trait of judging wisely and objectively; "a man of discernment" [syn: discernment]

Of all of the Character traits that I value most highly in others, 'Discretion', (closely aligned with 'Dignity') has to be 'up there'.

Not much is said of Joseph, the Father of Jesus, and in my eyes a quiet and unsung Hero in the Bible, except the following verse, which I think summarised his entire Character into a nutshell:

"Before they came to the marriage bed, Joseph discovered she was pregnant. (It was by the Holy Spirit, but he didn't know that.) Joseph, chagrined (displeased) but noble, determined to take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced". – Matt 1:18-19 (Msg)

Friday, May 27, 2005


I've been thinking...

It's often said that a "Leopard cannot change its spots". This is true, but Leopards can grow, mature and become wiser with age.

Many mistakes are made when one is young. Oftimes people do things in ignorance or arrogance. Wisdom comes with experience and reflection. Humility with time.

Besides, what do the external spots of a Leopard have to do with his internal character?

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I saw this written on a cafe chalkboard at the 'Wild-fig' this morning...

"Don't be afraid of trying something new.
Remeber the Ark was built by a lone amateur,
And the Titanic by a group of professionals".

Upbeat huh!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Forecasting Trouble

If Mrs L. catches me blogging...I'll be in big trouble. I've taken this week-off to complete a 5000 word essay by next Tuesday (and fit in a surf or two - swell permitting).

Anyway, I have been getting many emails from an Astrologer that has been offering to send me a 'personalised and accurate forecast' all for $USD50.

It reads:

Dear Lf,

I have just realized, by analyzing your Zodiac configuration again, that this Summer is set to be a very intense period for you. As a matter of fact, bearing in mind the information you have given me (your date of birth 22nd August 1968 and your current astral aspects) it is very clear that your astral configuration will be in full bloom over the coming months and this will begin over the month of June, during which you can expect some very important news. This trend will continue during July and August when you can expect other important opportunities.

This makes the Summer a very significant period for you in all areas of your life including your love-life, finances and career prospects...yada, yada, yada.

Your friend and astrologer,

My response:

Dear Angela...it'll be winter down here :-)

Monday, May 23, 2005

"Life For Rent"

I haven't ever really found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind
that your heart ain't exactly breaking

It's just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine

I've always thought
that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone
and live more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
Cos there's really nothing left here to stop me

It's just a thought, only a thought

-Dido 2003

Sunday, May 22, 2005

On the Money: Presumption

Recently, we had some 'friends' that attend a large Church in the Northern suburbs ring ‘out of the blue’.

As we had not seen them in some time, we were quite surprised to hear from them. It was not long before my wife was asked if they could come to our house…and show us a new business opportunity...

They told us that they are working really hard to achieve an independent income stream so that they won’t have to work and will then concentrate on doing ‘God stuff’. It was not long before we realised that their motive was to sell Amway. They presumed that we should be interested because we were told 'the Business' has some connections with a community we have been involved with for some time.

Needless to say, my wife gracefully declined the offer.

Though, I have to say that, it does make me angry to the very core when people take advantage of relationships.

There is always something sinister about mixing relationships with money, especially when there is a spiritual connection. My parents always used to say ‘Make friends out of business associates, but never make Business associates out of friends”. You can't beat parental Wisdom - they are not trying to sell you something and have your best interest at heart.

Needless to say, our 'friends'(who are a really warm but naive couple), like so many others we know have a high chance of being burned in the process, falling by the wayside so those at the top of the 'food chain' can drive luxury cars. To the Business, 'churn' is all just part of the 'Business Model'. In the business world 'Churn' is represented as statistical numbers against a target - not as people where each and every one is important.

I never mind helping out friends or giving to bone fide charities, but nothing is more sinister than manipulation and exploitation - taking advantage of peoples good intentions, dreams and time to meet its own ends. Amway is undoubtedly a successful organisation, founded by 'Christians' and offers some quality products - but that doesn’t mean that like all Businesses, that its representatives always act with integrity or consideration.

People are always more important than the objectives of any organisation, regardless of its relative level of success.

What Men Want

I wrote this in response to a Question posed by 'Michael' on Phil Bakers Blog and wanted to capture ot here (I am sure my son's will read my rambling's one day):

The Question was "What do Men want?" (perhaps it should better be phrased "What do Men Need in life?")

My Thoughts:

...Men want respect...though I mean 'self respect'.

Your primary sense of self worth and meaning should only come from within yourself - and from your Creator.

Don't rely on getting respect from it from your wife, your Father, your Pastor, your Boss or your friends (or any other individual).

Don't go looking for it from those who would seek to 'tickle your ears' - lest you leave yourself open to dissappointment - or worse still (relational/spiritual/political/marketing) manipulation.

Once you learn to do this you will be able to see through the Bull sh-t*, feel confident, satisfied and happy within your self and stop relying on others as a source of narcissistic supply.

You are created uniquely, you are created as a Man in HIS image. Be true to yourself - you are valuable.

*Excuse the expression

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Simple Things

Tonight we went to the Marina for dinner as a family. Sitting in an alfresco sharing fish and chips from the paper. No dishes. Then a walk to get an icecream. Softserve dipped in chocolate for my wife, bubblegum falour for my 7 year old and 'Rum 'n Raisan' for me.

We stopped the car on the way home to watch the lightning storms display their power over the Ocean.

It's the simple things that mark the best of times:

1) Being warm in the car - though it is raining and cold outside while listening to U2 on the stereo,
2) Catching a glimpse of my wife in the flashes of light - and realising once again that she is a damn fine woman, - 12 years after making her aquaintance.
3) Seeing my sons enjoy each others company...the baby now alaways likes to stroke his big brother's hair!.

Now that's Life at its Grandest!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Life is a Project

I was having a chat to a young guy on my team today about quotes, wisdom and stuff...and we made up our own profound quote:

"Life is a Project...To be lived with purpose, intention and Direction."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Tonight, a small celebration at home. It's raining. THe hauntingly sweet sound of 'Dido' fills the living room. The boys are in bed asleep. Take away Pasta, for dinner. No cooking tonight. And one glass of red. I bought myself a gift. A new book - 'Bono on Bono'. It's introspective and I'll blog some on it soon.

We delivered our systems upgrade over the weekend. On time. On Budget. To Quality. The culimination of six months concerted effort by a core team ofabout six, plus many others. Over the past week there was significant pressure to "get it right the first time". You can't afford to get a financial system wrong. Also a few clashes, and heated words exchanged. And then forgiveness in the workplace.

Grace works.

My team planned well worked harda and was well prepared for the conversion. We had rehearsed plans for 'delays' and ro 'roll-back' if anything went wrong. And there was issues. But they were minor and were overcome. I guess you have to "Expect the Unexpected". Who'd expect a UPS failure in a black-out during a storm?

So what to I take way from this that is far more important than a little boast for my resume?

Its often been said that "Project's fail because of people". I think that the converse is true. "Projects succeed because of people".

After spending most of my adult life focused on acquiring education and completing tasks, as old as I am, I have finally worked out that 'people are great'. I'm now only realising 'that it is all about people'.

My worldview was once underpinned by a belief that people were inherently bad, all tainted by original sin and thats why the Saviour had to come. To complete a task.


But Christ came because he believes that people are great...

He undertook the task because it's 'all about' the people. There is something 'inherntly great' about all people. I think that "Inherently great" conveys a sense of the possibilities, the potential and most of all Hope for each and every human being. No-one is without Hope. (After Thought: >>> A leopard can change its spots?)

"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life". John 3:16, MSG

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Colour Grey

It’s grey today. Overcast though tranquil. A day not spoiled by a gentle, yet persistent rain. The bleak hue of the Indian Ocean varies from its blue glaze of preceding seasons. It’s as if the world now exists, for the most part, in black and white.

Though appearances are deceiving. This day is not devoid of colour.

For it heralds the anticipated arrival the first of the winter swells―accurately predicted by satellite connected soothsayers days in advance

In contrast to the surrounding environs, the car parks of point breaks are alive with activity. The roar and thunder of breaking waves is heard far from their point of impact.

A subtle smell of seaweed is registered as it seasons the air. The spray of salt water stings the face. Adrenaline arouses childhood exuberance buried deep in times past. Yet today, experience trumps youthful agility. And from these rich constructs a vivid picture is drawn upon the canvas of the minds eye.

I see it clearly now. Colour, it seems is not seen through the eye alone.

Monday, May 09, 2005


I was reflecting just the other day on a rather mystical concept introduced to me through the writings of Phillip Yancey.

That is, pleasures enjoyed in their proper context, (time and quantity) may well be a foretaste of what God has in store for the believer. These would include alcohol at life giving celebrations and sex in the context and bounds of the marriage covenant, amongst other things.

Some pleasures though, I find, are "so just, just there"...that they seem to exist only as a whisper, on the very periphery of this life and Heaven.

For me, these definitely include:

1) A well wooded cabernet sauvignon, sipped from the paper thin edge of a large Polo wine goblet.
2) The first drop of a cold beer on a hot Australian Sunday afternoon
3) The ethereal sound of the saxaphone as it enters, and then nonchalantly wanders through a cool blue Chris Rea track.

Many things stimulate the senses. Though, few have the intensity to reach beyond and touch the soul - reminding you that you are still, so very, very much alive!

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Over the last few weeks, my second son became One year old. Its a magic time. He is still a little slow to walk, has a mouth full of teeth, and although he sleeps through the night, he will wake us up between 5:30 and 6:30 each morning.

He has his own happy little personality, quite distinct from that of our 7 year old, who, by the way he idolises.

He is more inclined to play with his toys than seek the attention of his parents. He smiles, and our prayers where answered as we have a 'child that fits comfortably into our family'.

He is attracted to water like no kid I have seen before, and cries when we leave the beach.

To celebrate, we had a party in a park, and my talented wife made the 'Giraffe Birthday' cake below.