Friday, June 17, 2005


I got this one from 'signposts', a quiz on your theological bent. Its been a 'work-in-progress' for a couple of days as I could not get the HTML right - but it seems to have corrected itself.

Accordiung to the quiz, I have a bent towards 'Methodism' as did Marisa and Becky...I really think it may be more a product of the research device - as I think those particular questions may well have been more Lutheran than anything. I'm not as legalistic as the Methodists in any case.

But as Marisa has pointed out, we cannot underestimate the influence of these faiths on our own worldview.

You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Neo orthodox




Roman Catholic


Reformed Evangelical






Modern Liberal


Classical Liberal


What's your theological worldview?
created with

Monday, June 13, 2005

Free..for a while

"Wisdom, which we have derived principally from the Greeks,
is but like the boyhood of knowledge, and has the characteristic property of boys;
it can talk, but cannot generate".

-Francis Bacon, The New Organon

Finished my assignments and exam last week. It was my first weekend free in a while. Upon reflection,

I learned much from this unit...much was based on philosophy: Examining the differences bewteen Platonic and New Pragmatic frames of thinking. Quite powerful tools when applied. I think though my lecturer will be shocked when he reads my exam paper. The topic was supposed to include Project Management Case Studies...I applied the thinking techniques to ST Paul on Mars Hill addressing the Greek Philosophers ;-).

Its a funny thing, I am growing in my Project Management skills and knowledge, but every now and then get a glimpse of a much wider, application of these skills. ALl in good time.

Anyway, at the invitation of my friends from the Lutheran Church we attnded up until about five years ago, I attended a service last night and was particularly impressed at some of the changes in the last five years.

A guest Pastor spoke on why we are designed to 'Shine', but why we so often fail to do so. He said it stretched his Lutheran heart, but ST Paul urged us to 'work at our salvation' (can't remember the exact scripture).

He also quoted Tolstoy via Yancey "Does it matter as to whether I am drunk or whether I am sober on the journey home?...As long as I am on the journey home." Not to endorse drunkeness, rather that we are still depraved in our righteousness and growing discipleship. Tolstoy goes on to say "if you think I'm bad, well you should have seen me ten years ago". Discipleship is a Journey. And I feel comfortable with that.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


"It is the nature of thought to find its way into action."
-Christian Nevell Bovee

Friday, June 10, 2005

Winter Chill

Love winter nights on a Friday. Especially when it its cold, wet and raining.

A pint of Guinness
Takeaway Chinese
A block of Chocolate
And a DVD to watch with my wife.

Its all good...except we got out the 'Butterfly Effect'. After watching 5 minutes -had to leave. Can't stand scary movies.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Winter Lines

I went for a surf this morning and was marvelling at the winter swell lines as they periodically charged into shore. Swell lines always preced a storm. On the way home, I switched on the radio to hear this verse:

"GOD proves to be good to the man who passionately waits,
to the woman who diligently seeks.
It is a good thing to quietly hope,
quietly hope for help from GOD.
It is a good thing while you're young to stick it out through the hard times".

-Lamentations 3:25-27

This will be my last Blog comment for a little while - I am sitting exams this week.


Funny thing. I was once told that I take my faith ‘too seriously’. By a Minister. I’m wondering if that is possible? Without faith, what have we got left?...A sense of humour?

Well then, maybe losing Faith is not such a bad thing after all. Seriously.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Bridges of Trust

Trust: "Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing".

I was in a cafĂ© recently and picked up the latest Readers Digest. An article caught my eye – “Australia’s 100 Most Trusted”. . Predictably, amongst those that Aussie’s trust the most are Celebrities and Sports Stars.

I scanned the list, looking for religious leaders and politicians out of interest.

The highest ranking religious leader AND (ex-)politician, quite low down on the list was at number 30. Rev. Tim Costello, who is the current World Vision leader. Interestingly, this man relies on wealth and philanthropy to run his organisation, but is also a vocal opponent to prosperity theology - yet he is still successful in many arena's and in the eyes of sceualr society. It seems that good works do count.

It is interesting to note how people in a secular society view and trust Christians - not too many in the list. My Grandfather, a non-Christian man, though of impeccable integrity was quite cynical towards the Christian Church in general. Though he has a special place for the Salvation Army because of their service efforts in New Guinea during the war.

I’m thinking that it’s the visible service in action that builds the bridge of trust. Interestngly, Ambulance officers top the list of "Austalia's 30 Most Trusted Professions" (Scroll Down). Others near the top include Teachers nurses and Police Officers. Religious leaders come in at 16 and politicians...well they are predictably last!

Well I guess, those scum bag IT Project Mangers do not even rank a mention!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


"Instant: Defn: An almost imperceptible space of time".

Just heard some sad news, a colleague of a friend lost his 2 year old when a cupboard fell on him yesterday. A life cut tragically short, too early. Having my own baby boy of similar age, I can't help but sympathise.

Recently, a colleague and young father was in a motorcycle accident and sadly is unlikely to walk again.

It makes you think.

Your whole life can be irreversably changed within an instant, and imperceptable amount of time. We need make a choice to make every second count...and filled with gratitude.

And enjoy the days... And its easy to do this when you see your 7 year old recieve a merit award at school assembly this morning "for thinking creatively outside the box!". And if you ever read this M. I'm so proud of you mate!

Thoughts For Tonight

Some people are far too easily bought...

What is the market price for a man's soul?

Is there anything worth more than Truth?

Do you feel rage on the inside when you have been crossed - even when you know you are wrong?

Do you value your security above integrity?

Is the God you know now the same God you knew as a child? ...Honestly?