Saturday, February 04, 2006

Present Clarity II

Yesterday i posted on the need to be more congniscient and appreciative of the present momment.

Last night, I spent most of the night with my 21 month old in PMH (Children's Hospital) - Yes, he is fine.

A pin-prick rash around his neck coupled with off-colour behaviour had us and the doctors thinking of the worst.

Amidst all the goings on in the emergency room, my son falling asleep on my chest repeated 'dadda - joel, dadda -joel' as if he was consiciously aware of the momment as shared only by the two of us.

A lesson on priorities and the importance of the present momment from the mouth of a babe.


Ab Truth said...

i read your post and my heart was in my throat... my 10 month old son Lewis (or Jack!) is such the centre of my world, it doesnt take much to imagine myself in the same situation...

may we continue in our fighting the good fight out there but not forget the ones closest to us who are our most important focus... clarifying for us all...

The Faith Expedition said...

Amen to that Lionfish! I experience the same feelings when I'm caught up in my current 21 month-old son has a way of showing me what really matters.

Wow, those eyes on your boy are amazing! What a cutie!