Saturday, September 09, 2006


Kel has tagged me to answer a whole bunch of questions around the number 4. Like Kel I'm gonna make my own rules up :-) and just choose 4 of the questions to answer.

4 Jobs You Have Had In Your Life:
Bank Officer,
Export Sales Admintrator,
Business Analyst,
IT Project Manager

4 Places You Have Lived:
Melbourne; Vic
Karratha, WA;
Perth, WA

4 Websites You Visit Daily (or often):

Ok that's five!

4 People To Tag:
Too Shy!

1 comment:

Kel said...

wow, thats some serious career path there Lionfish

and where was that fourth place you lived?

and now that I've surfed on over to Signposts, I understand why you haven't been posting here . . . too busy posting elsewhere!

thanx for playing - but you've left me no choice, I simply have to present you with the "longest time to respond to a meme tag" award :-)