Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Catholic Perspective

"I pray for them, I'm not praying for the God-rejecting world, But for those you gave me…For I'm no longer going to be visible in the world; They'll continue in the world - While I return to you.
Holy Father, guard them as they pursue this life, That you conferred as a gift through me - So they can be of one heart and mind As we are one heart and mind"

Jesus Prays for Christian Unity (John 17)

I've been reading through the Catholic Encyclopedia lately and its good to get an understanding of the 'official' Catholic perspective on the Reformation.

They write with a level of disdain and regrettfully about the impact of the reformation and control of the scriptures being handed down to the 'common' man.

One consequence the reformation is the Church dividing, then dividing again and again into numerous groups and schisms — and numerous heresies being introduced (as unlearned people without understanding started interpreting the scriptures themselves).

It was not long before people like Calvin started imposing his own teaching (heresy) on European people - which the Lutherans themselves were quick to refute as documented in the Book of Concord along with other heresis (such as anti-trinitarianism)..

I believe that there is some truth in the Catholic viewpoint.

Whilst the reformation had to happen I believe that it is important to note that the 'reformation' was far from ideal and came with a high price and new dangers.

(Please note thse are my own personal thoughts, and that I am not a Bible teacher or student of Church history).


IMO said...

I liked your comments and it is a difficult subject. I belive that the reformation was neccessary and there will be another. I don't believe that God likes division. We are not supposed to be divided, but I believe that we are suposed to separate ourselves from what we believe is truly wrong. Many biblical characters split from one-another when one believed the other was outside of the will of God. Henry Blackaby said, "You cannot stay where you are and go with God". In order to grow, we need to change.

Lionfish said...

Teresa, thanks for your feedback. It is a difficult subject as I come from a Lutheran background.

I've also come to realise that there are many wonderful Christian Catholics who hold the same core beliefs as we Protestants. Whilst I dont agree with many Catholic doctrines (eg Mary as co-redemptix, Queen of Heaven etc) I'm now shedding my own anti-Catholic perspective - realising that the Christian Church is simultaneously both fallible and being made perfect in Christ.

It is not God's will that his Church be disunified - but you are right we need to walk in Truth.

I would like to hear more about your thoughts on another reformation. Possibly you are referring to the emerging Church' movement?

Take care...and thanks again for visting my Blog.