Thursday, April 13, 2006


This is one for the Prosperity Gospel Teachers:

"For their error is not displayed as what it is, lest it should be stripped naked and shown up; it is craftily decked out in an attractive dress, and made to seem truer than the truth itself to the inexperienced because of the outer appearance.

As one better than I am has said about these matters, a precious stone like emerald, which many value greatly, can be put to shame by a clever imitation in glass, unless there is someone on hand who can test it, and show what was done deceptively by art; and when brass is mixed with silver, what untrained person can easily prove it?

So then, lest some should be made prey of through my fault, like sheep by wolves, not recognizing them because of their outwardly wearing sheep’s clothing-whom the Lord warned us to guard against26 talk like us, though thinking very differently”,


Lionfish said...

“And the dominant theologies of the moment do just that. They undercut Jesus, muffle his hard words, deaden his call, and in the end silence him. The consumer gospel of the suburban megachurches is a perfect match for conservative economic creeds about personal responsibility instead of collective action.”.

Thanks Ramjet, I appreciatte you pointing that out. It captured the sentiment of some of my concerns well.

You have a great Easter as well.

He is Risen!

Lionfish said...

Ramjet ... you are right. The Gospel is supposed to be liberating. Anything less than the Truth, is well less than the Truth!

I really believe taht this is why Jesus Christ came 'full of Grace and Truth' - you cannot have one without the other.

The key issue for me - has not only been dodgy teaching - but the fact that leaders take advantage and beome affluent from the teaching and the system ... ?

I ask without detailed financials where does the money go in thses Churches...?

They do not provide detailed financials!