Thursday, January 05, 2006

On Faith and Fancy

Placed a comment in a discussion regarding faith at signposts that I wanted to capture for my records here.

Kierengreen states “…. We may define faith, as a firm belief in something for which there is no evidence.

Kierentgreen what you write about is what I would term as being ‘Blind Faith’….and Blind Faith is not the faith of the sincere thinking Christian.

In coming to a conclusion and decision regarding my faith in Christ, I have based my decision on firstly being open, taking time to analyse the available evidence, using intuition and finally taking that leap of (educated) faith….

In the words of Jack Welch, Chemical Engineer, CEO GE (and non-Christian):

“In life there are no formulaic answers to many of life’s problems…because often there is no black-and-white answers…the (analysis) process gets you to a darker shade of grey”.

I believe analysis must fallow the ground and provide initial direction, then intuition will take you a little farther.

And then, finally, it is faith takes you the remainder of the distance

1 comment:

Ab Truth said...

Agreed. so many Christians think that they have to have blind faith.
Blind faith with their eternal destiny? I dont have that kind of faith to walk down a flight of stairs or use the brakes in my car..