Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Tommorrow is our Eighth anniversary.

I have to say that I am truly fortunate to have married such a beautiful capable wife. Someone that you feel so comfortable with, and who is your best friend.

I want to celebrate. So I would like to take her to dinner at my favourite restaurant 'jacksons' (where she has never been before). It is rather expensive - and as we don't go out all that often, just the two of us, I want to do it with some level of class. (All I need now is a competent baby-sitter!). (More likely we will end up at a family restaurant though).

I was reflecting about how we are growing in our marriage of late. So now after eight years - I think I am only now learning to speak "Wife".

My wife called out to me the other day - "Darling - I've just put the cash card back in your wallet".

For the first time it clicked...what she reaaly said was "Darling - there is no money left in the Bank account, so I've just taken all the money out of your wallet".

Ahh marriage...its truly a gift from God!


The Faith Expedition said...

I agree...go for the Gold! As for a babysitter, it's only a few hours. They will survive with whomever you choose. As a fellow Mommy, I know that there is nothing so wonderful as un-interrupted eating! Oh, to savour good food again without having to stop and pick up a spoon off the floor or wipe a messy face. And strictly adult conversation shared over the bread and the wine! Oh...dare to dream!!!

Lionfish said...

Thanks guys.

I took your advice Marisa and sent flowers.

At my wifes request we are getting thai takeaway and celebrating (as my 7yo put it "Our Universary") as a family. Sadly, jackson will have to wait until her Birthady when our babysitter is back from Melbourne!