Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Miracles and Random Acts of Kindness

I currently believe that it is potentially a dangerous view to assert that miracles occur because of our radical obedience or actions...this is the sort of thinking that may place Christians back in the 'weird' bucket...and dissapoint many who take radical action - and not be given the miracles they desire.

They will then cry with dissapontment "what is wrong with my faith"...."have I not been faithful enough?".

The working of miracles, I believe is entirely a supernatural act of God...there is nothing "we do" in this!

Yes, when we feel called we can reach out, or go to the elders for prayer and annointing etc., but to link obedience and faithfulness (our works) to God's blessing may well be to return back to the sweet spot of the dodgy Faith Movement / Prosperity doctrine days. I have seen firsthand the dissapointment that this brings - even to radical Christians!

I think the concept of Miracles and healing etc needs to be looked at more broadly....and perhaps we should be looking at the 'miracle' and the wonder of why often times God does not heal!

Christians are to be a reflection of, and witnesss to Christ during both their times of blessing and during times of suffering.

Those "Miraculous Miracles" will occur - but they will be rare by definition....I think we need to look for the "Common Miracles" that occur around us - everyday, in the wonder of life itself!

I do not have the answers...but the thoughts that have are these:

I think we need to start looking at wonder at all of the common miracles around us. The wonder in nature and the Universe, the wonder of man created in God's image...these point to the supernatural and the Wonder of the Creator...

Then I think we have to get much better at rembering to be thankful for this wonder, and everything that God provides for us food, society, family etc...

Then we have to get better at understanding the Father Heart of God, trusting in his infinite wisdom and knowing that ultimately - he wants his very best for us...and that he fully understands and empathasis with humans in our struggles...

in all of this maybe 'We' are to be the agents he works his miracles -helping others through in our words, actions and quiet and discreet prayers!

Then if we are suffering or see suffering to pray for God's help - trusting that through all of this his will is being done, towards progress His Kingdom...regardless of wheteher or not he provides immediate relief...

And then, in all of this just maybe we may actually see the unexpected!


The Faith Expedition said...

Oh yes Lion...I so agree. Great thoughts.

Kel said...

has the Lion just coined a new phrase?

common miracles

love it - and your reminder to appreciate the wonder and mystery that surrounds us every day

Accidental Academic said...


IMO said...

Amen Brother! I think maybe the way to look at it is that miracles and blessings may be a bit different. I think that the miracle of us being here and creation and all you mentioned are miracles, but God blesses as He pleases. I think that by Grace (common) we are blessed all of the time and sometimes we don't even see the blessings. I do think that the Lord gives special blessing to our obedience. God Bless Dude! Hey, I know I haven't been around--you did not post for awhile--glad you are back!!!