Sunday, January 30, 2005

Pressure Testing

This has to be one of my favourite Bumper stickers:

It makes you think (excuse the pun) that we should never be afraid of people who ask "the hard questions" - of us, the numbers behind a Business Case, the running of a Project, Department, our faith or our views. Unless, of course we have something to hide.

Questioning brings only Truth, growth, integrity and accountability - and that has to be good for every one in the long term.

Of course someone may wish to decline to comment, or to answer a question but this should be always politely articulated with a defensible reason as to why.

People on the whole I find are reasonable.

My Boss at a former company once advised "when an Exec asks me a question that I dont know the answer to, I have found that it is much better to say "I'll get back to them" rather than to make the answer up".

Good advice...I think.

1 comment:

IMO said...

Amen brother!